Thursday, May 1, 2014

Top 5 Favorite TV Series

This is tough. I'm a huge Netflix addict so I've seen every series about 5 times. It seems like every show is my favorite while I'm watching it, right now that would be Scrubs.

1. The Office

The Office is 100% the funniest show I've ever seen. I don't think I've seen an episode that doesn't crack me up. It still amazes me that the show was on the air for so long yet somehow it never got boring. They always managed to keep things fresh. I'm about to be that asshole, obviously the early days of the shows were the best but I still loved the show towards the ending. The day it went off the air was one of the worst days of my life. Dwight and Jim will forever be one of my favorite rivalries. I've seen every episode of The Office about 5 times. No shame. 
"If I had a gun with 2 bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, I would shoot Toby Twice."

2. Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights is everything you could want from a show. Actions, Babes, Bros, Texas.... Seriously, what more do you want? Tim Riggins is up there in my favorite TV characters of all time. The dude is the ultimate bro. He's a beast on the field, has incredible pull, doesn't ever go to school. Girls want him, guys want to be him. Coach Taylor is another awesome character, has a smokeshow of a wife, awesome football coach. Matt Saracen is the ultimate underdog. Nobody knows who the kid is in his first game and the WHOLE town doubts him then boom, he becomes a star. All in all this show is a 10 out of 10.


3. Arrested Development

In my opinion, Arrested Development is one of the most underrated TV series of all time. The biggest problem I have with the show is that it wasn't on long enough. It took me a little while to get into the newest season they put out last year but I finally got there and find it hilarious. If you aren't spitting out the coffee you're drinking while watching Tobias Funke there's no way you're a human. Not possible. Buster is another awesome character. In the last season when he's inhaling Lucille's cigarette smoke is incredible. 
"I was a professional twice over- An Analyst and a Therapist. The world's first Analrapist." 

4. The O.C. 
I'm not sure why I'm such a sucker for The O.C. Maybe it's because my sisters made me watch it at a young age so it was always on, but either way, i love it. Ryan Atwood is a bad ass who will fight anyone ever. Sandy Cohen is a huge bro. Seth Cohen is huge nerd. Marissa Cooper is a smoke and Summer Roberts is a smoke. The soundtrack to The OC is also pretty good. For some reason, this show will always hold a special spot in my heart, therefor earning it the 4th spot. 

5. Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad is the opposite of most shows. It gets better as it goes on. It took me a long time to really get into the show but boy am I glad that I did. The action in this show is absolutely unreal. Every god damn episode is action packed and leaves you with your jaw on the floor. I don't want to spoil for anything for anyone that hasn't seen it, but the series finale was absolutely UNREAL. I think like most other people Jesse Pinkman was my favorite character. I don't want to spoil it for anyone so i"ll say this his emotions had me feelin' some real shit. My biggest complaint is how much we had to see Walter White in his tighty whities. I never got past that. 
"Tread Lightly"

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